Schlumberger Jobs

Job Information

Schlumberger ​​Electrical Engineer​ in Clamart, France

​​Electrical Engineer​

Clamart - France

JobName : ​​Electrical Engineer​

JobSummary : Concepts exploration for highly integrated ultrasonic azimuthal measurement


​​The internship is exploring concepts and architecture to integrate Ultrasonic firing and acquisition electronics, compass azimuth measurement withstate-of-the-artembedded digital engine with ARM based microcontroller and FPGA.

A firstobjectiveisconsolidatingthe requirements for various features to implement in the board. The nextobjectiveis toidentifyand propose concepts for each of the measurements.

Based on the maturity assessment for each of the identified concepts, the intern will design mock-ups tovalidatethe proposed designs.

The internacquiresan in-depth understanding of ultrasonic, compass azimuth measurement and system design.​


​​The intern will review existing system architectures, propose a concept for a new board that could be integratedinan existing system with the following responsibilities: - architecture and concept identification and assessment. - building block derisking through mockups with flexible complexity as foreseenappropriate bythe intern. - test and validation of the mockups. Deliverables: Internal presentations of results, design notes and validation tests report.​


  • ​​Master Degree- (Penultimate or Finalyear) ​in​Analog and digital electrical circuit design​or a related discipline

  • Oral and written communication skills in English

  • Good motivation, autonomy, teamwork, and ingenuity

AdditionalResponsibilities :

​​• Electrical circuit design digital/analog

• Pspicesimulation

• Electrical circuits test

• Printed circuit board layout

• VHDL design​
